Invisalign vs Braces

Invisalign vs Braces

So you’re tired of your crooked smile and/or mismatched jaw, but don’t know what type of orthodontic treatment is right for you? The two top contenders — Invisalign and traditional braces — come with their own set of pros and cons.


How it works:

Small brackets are strategically placed on each tooth and attached using a type of bonding cement. A wire is run through each bracket and exerts a light force that makes your teeth to move.


  • Braces are the all-around handyman. She’ll fix pretty much anything, he’ll do it in one go and he’ll get the job done
  • Braces require very little responsibility from the patient and are virtually impossible to lose
  • They’re often less expensive than other treatments


  • Braces are very noticeable, which can make a big impact on your confidence
  • They hurt sometimes. Since you’re adjusting the wires every few weeks, the pressure and pain will become a regular thing (and soup will become a regular part of your diet)
  • The wires poke and the brackets scrape
  • Periodontal health is difficult to maintain because it’s more difficult to brush and floss
  • Food restrictions. No more gum and no more popcorn, among other things


How it works:

A certified Invisalign provider will provide a personal diagnosis and create an individualized plan for you. Your custom aligners are created using advanced 3D computer imaging technology and you wear them for at least 20 to 22 hours a day. Every two weeks, a new set of aligners will be provided until the treatment is done.


  • It’s invisible. The comfortable and clear plastic allows you to smile confidently throughout treatment
  • Invisalign is removable, so you can take them out to eat, drink, brush and floss as you normally would
  • It’s convenient and comfortable. Patients have fewer appointments and aligners apply less force on your teeth than traditional braces
  • There’s no bonding cement or impressions — everything is created through digital 3D imaging


  • Invisalign’s effectiveness is directly related to your willingness to wear the aligners
  • Invisalign can be a little expensive, especially if patients misplace their trays
  • There’s an increased risk for cavities since sugar gets trapped in the aligners

While both treatments vary in their advantages and disadvantages, the only way you can know which method is best for you is to get a consultation with a doctor.

For more information on Invisalign, or to schedule a free consultation, please contact us at  (513) 651-0110. Dr. Troy Pearce is located in Downtown Cincinnati, [full state] and is a Preferred Invisalign provider.